We've been at the beach all week. We took our family trip in August last year, and we really liked it because it wasn't too crowded or crazy hot. September may be an even better time to go-IF you can wait that long! The weather was perfect, and the water was beautiful! Thank you, God!
I just like the whole part about getting away. Plus, I think there's few things better in life than the feeling of the sunshine beating down on me (Vitamin D is good for you, right!?)! Sawyer and Eli loved the pool. I'd classify Sawyer as an "official" swimmer now, so that's fun! They like the sand, but they also like the "hotel" room. So, we'd spend the early morning at the pool. Then, Walker would take them up to the room, and I'd lay out on the beach without them in the afternoon. Pretty nice! Allyson and Caleb came to join me one day. We all enjoyed ourselves, but I hope next year, Sawyer and E will want to play in the ocean a little more. The water was BEAUTIFUL. It was so calm and crystal clear. Plus, Auburn won Thursday night, so that was good too! If anybody is doing something other that football these days, I don't know about it. We're in full-fledged football mode around here. We did sneak away the first quarter of the Auburn game though, because Pete and Repete decided then would be a good time to go back down to the beach. Glad we did, because I'm proud of my sunset shots.
Apparently, Eli does the tongue thing too!
Caleb sticks his tongue out when he concentrates, too. Mr. Mike pointed it out to me, and then caught me sticking my tongue out one day while I was changing his diaper. Hmmmm.... maybe you do it, too??
We love y'all! What some super sweet babies!!! And pretty too~
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