I got out my blog book that I ordered after Eli turned one last year and read it the other day. I love that book!! I'm so glad I take the time to give little updates (even if it's just for me), because I realize my memory is less that desirable and they're growing and changing so quickly.
Eli Williams is a character and a half. I adore his sweet smile and dimples!
Yesterday, I was asking him about what kind of birthday party he wants. He'll be two next month!! He likes Elmo A LOT and Spiderman A LOT! (Spiderman is also Sawyer's favorite thing right now.) So, I pulled up Elmo plates on the computer to see if he'd tell me which he'd rather have. Eli said, "Hey Mel-mo. Whatcha doing Mel-mo?" about 10 times, because I was laughing so hard at him! That's by far the most words he's ever put together. He can talk, and it just depends on the day what he'll say.
He's full-blown potty trained! Praise the Lord! I can not take credit for too much of it. Eli just wanted to do what Sawyer was doing, so he did it. I'm proud!! I went from two in diapers a year and a half ago to none in diapers...feels good!
Eli L-O-V-E-S cheese! He will eat as many pieces as you'll give him. String cheese, cheese slices, whatever...he likes it! Here he is with his cheese toast.
He was also on a major stubborn streak for a while...VERY independent, but he is getting sweeter by the day! He's really pretty obedient these days! THANK YOU, LORD!
He can sing his ABC's and says the blessing (in his own way). I should get this on video, because he definitely knows what he's saying, but it's in his own language.
He still loves to jump. He jumped off the diving board all summer without anyone being at the end of the board. He'd just wear his little swimmies and jump in. Fearless!
His favorite song was "I'm in the Lord's Army" while he marched. Now it's "Hide it Under a Bushel...No!" It doesn't sound exactly like that, but it's close.
He adores his big brother! They keep each other entertained!

I couldn't love this little boy any more. So glad he's mine!

I'll be back soon with an update on Sawyer Williams! :)

We've been at the beach all week. We took our family trip in August last year, and we really liked it because it wasn't too crowded or crazy hot. September may be an even better time to go-IF you can wait that long! The weather was perfect, and the water was beautiful! Thank you, God!
I just like the whole part about getting away. Plus, I think there's few things better in life than the feeling of the sunshine beating down on me (Vitamin D is good for you, right!?)! Sawyer and Eli loved the pool. I'd classify Sawyer as an "official" swimmer now, so that's fun! They like the sand, but they also like the "hotel" room. So, we'd spend the early morning at the pool. Then, Walker would take them up to the room, and I'd lay out on the beach without them in the afternoon. Pretty nice! Allyson and Caleb came to join me one day. We all enjoyed ourselves, but I hope next year, Sawyer and E will want to play in the ocean a little more. The water was BEAUTIFUL. It was so calm and crystal clear. Plus, Auburn won Thursday night, so that was good too! If anybody is doing something other that football these days, I don't know about it. We're in full-fledged football mode around here. We did sneak away the first quarter of the Auburn game though, because Pete and Repete decided then would be a good time to go back down to the beach. Glad we did, because I'm proud of my sunset shots.

See Sawyer's tongue stuck out? He does that when he's really concentrating. You can definitely bet there is some major construction going on in his mind!

About the best we can do! Eli will sit still for about 1/2 a second when there's other things to do. I think he really does like me! :)

Apparently, Eli does the tongue thing too!

This last picture may look like a kid's paradise, but for little kids, it's scary and LOUD when that big bucket fills up with water. Mine got a little braver each day, but it's still a little too much for them. They prefered the "quiet pool" and splash pad! :)