So far, so good on having 2 babies! I LOVE it more than I thought possible!
There's definitely a lot of crying, lots of messes, lots of diapers, lots of blankets (seems like they're EVERYWHERE), and TONS of laundry, but man please...I love these kids of mine! I like how they keep me so busy, and they make me feel important :). I'm definitely sleep deprived, but my newest little guy is starting to stretch out the time between feedings at night, so I can't complain! Sweet Eli will be 1 month old tomorrow! Wow-Wow-Wee!
Sawyer man and His Beloved Lawnmower
If you drive by our house, there's a good chance that this is what you'd see! Sawyer would cut the grass 24/7 if we'd let him!
I have had lots of sweet company lately. My friend Jan from UAB that now lives in Opp and her sweet little girl came last week, and Walker's friend from forever, Shea, came and spent the weekend hanging out with us. I do love company! Shea with the Williams boys
Sawyer and Bethany Burgess
Thursday we're headed to Clayton for the day to spend Thanksgiving with the Williams family. Friday Katie and her crew, Mama and Daddy, & Allyson and Wes are all coming for a Thanksgiving meal on Saturday. I admit that having them come to my house for Thanksgivng makes me feel like a grown up, but that's okay. (I have to remind myself-I am a mama of two!)
Katie mentioned The Elf on the Shelf on her blog. If you don't read her blog, you may want to check it out. I think I'm going to have to get one of my own too. Katie's girls REALLY do love it, and I think Sawyer would like to find that little elf every morning.
I have to share my newest find-Bear Creek Soup Mix. Have y'all ever tried this stuff? It's SO EASY and so good! We've had the potato and tortilla soup. I added chicken and corn to both, and they were very tasty-ESPECIALLY considering how easy they are! If y'all have any other recipes/ideas for suppers that are this easy and this good, please send them my way!
My other good news is that I have a real friend in Enterprise! THANK YOU LORD! I don't take this for granted! I have several actually, but I'm really excited that Summer and I went to aerobics for the first time yesterday and are going to try and start being regulars! THIS MAKES ME HAPPY! I needed both! :) It's really amazing how God has always provided me with really good friends wherever I've been! Seems like I need to add the song, "Thank You For Being A Friend" from the Golden Girls to my playlist...but I'll just stick to the Christmas music today!
Anyway...I hope all of you have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving! Enjoy your time with your family! War Eagle! I love y'all and am thankful for you!!!!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
And I'm So Thankful!
Posted by Ashley at 6:05 AM
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Ashley...your babies are so sweet. Isn't it funny when we realize we're "grown up"? It doesn't look like I'm ever going to make it to Enterprise and I would like Eli to have his present before he's too big to use it...Please email me your address, so I can mail Have a happy Thanksgiving!
That little Eli is so precious. In the first picture he looks a lot like Walker. And, Saw-man couldn't be any cuter.
JP has the same lawnmower and used it during the summer months to help his daddy cut the grass. Jeremy and I both agreed that we will remind JP when he's a teenager how much he enjoyed mowing as a child when he complains about his (future) chore-undoubtedly you'll need to do the same thing with Sawyer. :)
I'm glad that you are making it as a mother of two--I love it as well, but it is definitely a transition (good one)!! The laundry is definitely a BIG change! Starting next week, I will have someone to come and clean my house on a weekly basis-HALLELUJAH! Now I can focus on my boys in the afternoon rather than cleaning toilets,etc.!!! Now that I've written a novel, I'll let you go! You look great in the pics and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and your sweet little angels. I am thankful for you, Ashley.
HI FRIEND! I'm so glad to hear about your precious boys! Eli looks just like Walker, and Sawyer is too sweet! I sure do miss you guys!! John Luke is seriously needing some company...he gets SOOOO bored during the day! He just walks around like "Mama, what can I do? I'm so bored!" Good thing Christmas is coming therefore new toys!!!
Way to go on aerobics! When I read that, I had flash backs to our "work-out" sessions at home!!!! How fun! I wish I were there to go with y'all!
I like the new background...not too busy and flashy. I like the simple ones. Well, I enjoyed looking at your pictures. Hope y'all have a great Thanksgiving! I know you are excited about the family coming! Tell them all hello! And give those sweet babies a kiss from me and John Luke!!!!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to Ashley and Walker and the boys!! Rolllll Tide!!
That's from Kelley, Allie, and Amy
Little Eli DOES look so much like Walker!!! He is precious!
Good luck with your Thanksgiving meal and I know you and your family will enjoy your day together!
I'm so glad that you are making friends and that God is blessing you. That is awesome!Have a Great Thanksgiving! Your boys are so sweet!
I was looking through your last post to see how you are doing... and noticed a familiar name. My husband and Walter Burgess grew up together... Adam is from Opp!! What a small world?! :)
Cute, cute and more cute...that's what y'all are!! I love reading your blog because you type like you're talking...I can so hear you saying "man please" in the middle of you talking about how much you love being a mama of 2! Love it!!
Thanks Ash for the sweet little sportsman-like comment you made on my blog. It would be quite boring to live in a state where there wasn't an 'in-state' rival. It justs make life a little more interesting, wouldn't you agree? I'm sure Walker, like all of us Bama fans, are relishing in the Tide win!!
You should put those songs on your playlist-you know I don't care. I used to be a HUGE fan of the Dixie Chicks until the whole saga with them talking about President Bush-which really irrated me. But, I do LOVE their song Godspeed!! As of lately, one of John Parker's fav. books is "Goodnight Moon" and he LOVES to find the mouse. Then when I heard that song it touched my heart b/c of JP loving to find the mouse and of course the words are simply precious and beautiful music to my heart. A sweet song for our little boys!!! Same thing with Feels Like Home! I'll enjoy listening to the songs while I'm on your blog! ;)
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