Saturday, December 29, 2007


We finally made it back from our Christmas visiting today. We had a fantastic time with the Browns and the Williams! We are really glad we got to go, and we are really glad we are back at home! Sawyer is a lot more into everything since we've gotten home. He's a little rascal! :) I tell him, "no" and he smiles at me like-"really, Mama??" Guess I'm going to have to get a little tougher now that he can really get into everything! Here's a little update on our Christmas! Hope you and your family had a great one!
This was taken Christmas Eve. Isn't my little man getting big?? He is so much fun! He made this Christmas my favorite so far! I love this little boy! It amazes me how much! The Lee Brown family was in charge of lighting the Christ Candle at church. Then, we and a couple of families from church went back to Mama and Daddy's for good food and fellowship while the Braddock girls put out their milk, cookies, and carrots for Santa and his reindeer.
Here's little Shelbs! She the cutest thing ever! She has about 500 expressions. Her speech is still a little hard to understand at times, but she talks like you know just what she's saying. Grace has to be her translator some...she's so funny! She gets so excited about everything including her breakfast (which at Grandaddy's was oatmeal, Rice Krispees and a donut all in one morning!)

Hers's Miss Grace. Katie and I laughed a lot about how much she reminds us of Katie-her looks and her actions! She's a priss! Santa brought her a Sleeping Beauty doll that is as big as she is and a fun table. Grace is VERY into princesses and playing dress up (especially when she's the bride)! She's definitely a girly-girl!!

Here's Julia who is now 14 months old. Santa brought her a cool piano, but here she's into her sisters' toys. She's all over the place, "Miss Independent" doesn't care if anyone is around or not....She and her cousin Sawyer don't have that in common at all! :)

Christmas Morning
Sawyer was the first one up Christmas morning. He woke me up about 5:00, so we went upstairs and made coffee. He was a little amazed at all the presents, but more interested in his bottle. I gave him a bottle and headed down to Priceville to pick up Grandmother Grace. We got back just in time for the Braddock girls to run into the living room to see what Santa brought.

A shot of the living room Christmas morning

Christmas afternoon, we headed South to Clayton, Alabama (A little smaller place, but lots of action going on in the Williams home as well!)
Us at the Williams's house
We had Christmas with Walker's family on Wednesday. We ate and then dug into the presents! Sawyer probably quadrupled the number of toys he had over Christmas. His big gifts were the Laugh & Learn Home, this cool Fisher Price activity block thingy-that has Peek-a-Boo blocks, and you can slide the blocks like Plinko, a Sit & Spin Zebra, and several John Deere tractors.

Sadie (3), Pitt, Granny Beck, Gracie (5), Jennifer, and Papa Pitt
Gracie is holding her new dog. It knows her name, barks, and grows for 4 days. I think it's pretty fantastic! Sadie got a beautiful doll carriage, a high chair, and clothes from Granny Beck. She loved it!

Diana, Risdon (8 mos), Lil' Mikey (3) and Mikey
I think the McCraneys are pretty cute! Lil' Mikey had a big Christmas full of John Deere tractors and Risdon got lots of the same things Sawyer did. Their house is TOYLAND! Sawyer is going to want to move in with Aunt D when he gets older I know!
Christmas is so much fun! I love the summertime, but not much beats Christmas! It's such a good thing when you get to spend time with your family and friends! Allyson was talking about today how nice it is that she and Wes could just hang out together for the week at Christmas, because they usually have to work! Thank you, Lord, for blessing us like you do and for this wonderful time of year! May we each remember how truly special the gift He gave us is!


The Martin Family said...

I love all the pictures you took of the different families...thanks for posting! It's great to see all these people I've only gotten to see at weddings! It looks like the little guy racked up! Have you found room for all the new stuff? I just bought a big basket with a lid from World Market to keep in the living room for all the toys - they were getting out of control and needed to be contained! Love you!

Emily Chappell said...

I'm lovin Sawyer's big cheeks. He is too handsome!

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys had a good Christmas! It is nice to see little Sawyer and hear what all he is up to because Knox will be that exact age next exciting!

Amber said...

Sawyer is too cute! It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! I know you are a great mom. It is so much fun, but really tiring too. I can only imagine what it will be like when our little guys are running! I have posted a link from my blog to yours. I look forward to keeping up with your sweet family.

Anonymous said...

love my hand in shelbs pull ups getting her excited