Next year, we'll try and choose a warmer day when Sawyer isn't sick or leave him at Granny Beck's house. Live & learn....Enjoy the pictures! War Eagle!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Next year, we'll try and choose a warmer day when Sawyer isn't sick or leave him at Granny Beck's house. Live & learn....Enjoy the pictures! War Eagle!
Posted by Ashley at 6:42 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Posted by Ashley at 10:11 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
It Is Magic!

Anyway...I had a coupon for this "Magic Eraser." I had a pink spot on my kitchen floor from some toy, and I thought I'd give it a shot. Well, I bought it yesterday and tried it out on my kitchen floor. This spot came up easily, so I took my little piece of magic into the bathroom, and I started scrubbing. IT WAS AMAZING! I'm not kidding! I went back today and bought another pack to finish the job, but this was the best money I have spent in a while! It's less than $3 at Wal-Mart for a pack of two. I bought the "extra power" pack.
Has anyone else tried this? I know they have been around a while, but this was my first experience, and it was too good not to share!
Posted by Ashley at 11:21 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 22, 2007
Our Weekend

Sawyer and I made an unexpected trip this weekend to Hartselle. We hadn't planned on going until the first of the week to visit, but my dad called and said my grandmother wasn't doing very well. This is my dad's mom-the sweetest lady I know or probably will ever know. She's such an amazing person. When we got there Friday night, she was doing better. We got a call from my aunt Saturday morning that she wasn't doing well again, but when we got there 10 minutes later, she was better. The neat thing about my grandmother is that she's the most selfless person. She is currently suffering from emphysema and congestive heart failure, but I have never heard her complain.
Let me just give you an example of how she is....her sister, Ordene, was there Sunday visiting. Ordene asked Grandmother if she wanted something to drink. Grandmother told her she had something on the table. When Ordene tries to give it to her, Grandmother said, "No. Id don't need it. You drink it." She's laying in the bed, not able to move on her own, but she's still so concerned about everybody else.
Another example...she was in rehab recently because she had fallen and hurt her hip. Grandmother was only able to walk with help and couldn't get up alone. I watched her try to get up, so I asked what she needed. She wanted to get up out of the bed to move her roommate's food tray away from her bed, because she thought it might be bothering her roommate.
I don't know if you can picture this kind act or not, but things like this that she does amaze me. I'm just so proud that she's my grandmother, and I have been able to witness first hand her kindness and sweet spirit.
When Sawyer and I went Saturday afternoon and Sunday my aunt was playing Allan Jackson's Precious Memories cd from the kitchen into her bedroom. Grandmother was singing away. She is precious!
I talked to Katie on the way home yesterday, and she was talking about "the mansions in heaven," which are reference in John 14:2. She was saying how Grandmother deserves a mansion in heaven. That's the truth. She is not the type to worry at all about material things, but her rewards I know will be great in heaven. I thank God for her influence on my life! Please pray for her as she continues to struggle with her health. Thanks!
Posted by Ashley at 5:15 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Sawyer's on the Move
It's amazing how mobile Sawyer has gotten in the last few weeks. A friend of ours gave us the walker, and Sawyer is able to move around the house in it. He's also becoming mobile on the floor. I videoed him today scooting. If he wants something bad enough, he'll scoot over to get it (unless he changes his mind before he gets there). He's so funny! His favorite things right now are his mama's keys and that wooden spoon. We gave him Cheerios for the first time the other day, and I was laughing out loud watching him try to get that little bitty Cheerio into his mouth. The Cheerio would get stuck to his hand, fall on the floor, go down his shirt, get stuck under his chin before he was able to put it in his mouth. We've been working on this skill though, and a few days later...he's about got the Cheerios down. The other thing he really likes is juice. Walker was frustrated with the Sippy Cup people when I was only offering water, because he thought there should be a "transition" cup before a sippy cup, one with a nipple but looked like a Sippy Cup. However, I put a little juice in the Sippy Cup, and Sawyer quickly figured it out.
He's snoozing away right now. Sawyer gets SOOOOOO EXCITED when his daddy gets home, but he's sooooooooo tired by then. He hated to, but he went to bed about 6:30 tonight. I'm hoping he'll make it 12 hours at least.
Posted by Ashley at 4:46 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 15, 2007
Happy Monday!
We went to a friend's wedding Saturday night, and then came home and watched the Auburn Tigers play football. They about give me a heart attack each week, but I do have faith in my Tigers, and thankfully, they were able to pull through on another Big Game! WAR EAGLE!
Sunday was church. Walker grilled steaks, and we ate out on our screened in porch. I'm thoroughly enjoying the cooler weather! Then, back to church for discipleship training. It didn't last long though, because although Sawyer is making progress with staying in the nursery...he's not there yet and was ready to go about 30 minutes into it.
He's a little rotten, but he sure is sweet!! :)
Posted by Ashley at 11:20 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Made You Look
Posted by Ashley at 5:06 PM 2 comments
Playing Outside Today
Sawyer and I have had a LAID BACK day today! My friend, Beth, who we go walking with everyday called to say she couldn't go today. I should have gone with just the two of us, but instead we've been here. Sawyer is getting really close to crawling. Walker thinks I don't put him down to let him try to crawl, but today I have been, and he's getting better! He's able to push himself slowly to where he wants to go. We spent a long time today outside on a pallet. I think he must be his daddy's child, because he notices everything outside, the birds, the trees, the squirrels-things I wouldn't have paid as much attention to-excpet that I'm married to Walker.
One of Sawyer's favorite things to do right now is roll his lips. The other day in Target he wanted everyone to know he was there, so he did it for 30 minutes I'm guessing. I found myself wishing he'd stop. Really though, it's pretty cute! He can already give a zerbert due to all this practice!
I hear him downstairs waking up...I'm off to get him!
Posted by Ashley at 11:42 AM 0 comments
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